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From No Diploma to Certified Dental Assistant— in 16 Months!


From No Diploma to Certified Dental Assistant — in 16 Months

August 20, 2024

Kala Angrick decided she’d had enough working dead-end jobs to support her family. Without a high school diploma, the 37-year-old Camillus resident felt like she just couldn’t get ahead.

That all changed in June 2023 when Angrick enrolled in the no-cost National External Diploma Program (NEDP) through OCM BOCES. The NEDP allows adults to earn a high school diploma online at their own pace.

“I wanted to make something of myself so that my kids can be proud of who their mother is,” she said. “I didn’t want them to follow in my footsteps as someone who did not graduate or did not have a diploma of any kind.”

Angrick set a personal goal to earn her diploma early so that she could enroll in OCM BOCES’ full-time Dental Assistant program, which began in April 2024.

“I’ve always been obsessed with teeth—I think they’re very fascinating and the first thing you notice when you meet someone is their smile,” she said. “ They offer that program here so I was like, ‘You know what? I’m going to get my diploma and go straight into dental assisting.’” 

Through her hard work, she earned her degree in seven months. Her children began to notice how much effort she put into studying.

“I worked day and night,” she said. “I just kept chugging along because you get out of it what you put into it.”

Angrick admits the process wasn’t always easy. But remembering her “why,” which is her family, helped her stay focused. 

“There were a lot of times I wanted to quit, but the biggest thing is to just remember why you started and why you’re there and just keep going.”

When it was time to apply to OCM BOCES Dental Assisting program, she was honored to submit her diploma as proof of graduation.

“It felt great,” she said. “I got to hand over something that I’ve never been able to hand over before.” 

She plans to receive her registered dental assistant certification in November 2024 and says there’s hope for anyone who feels stuck like she once did. 

“Once you have your diploma, the world is open. You can do anything.”