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× Careers Staff Only Personnel Sub Call-In Service Health & Safety
Main Operator 315.433.2600
District Superintendent 315.433.2602
Adult Education 315.453.4455
Business Office 315.433.2614
CNYRIC 315.433.8300
Instructional Support       315.433.2627
Student Services 315.433.2604
Labor Relations 315.433.2629
Personnel 315.433.2631
Image size:
w: 790
h: 663

Click on Images and Files, it is the blue icon above this editor window. You are allowed 10 images total. Images MUST BE named image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg, etc until you reach 10. Images named incorrectly WILL NOT display on signage.

Preview link: **Note: This may take a few minutes to display**

Here is a detailed guide to help answer any additional signage questions: 
Digital Signage Training Guide.pdf
Welcoming and Affirming
Seven Valleys has embraced the OCM BOCES theme by creating a space where people can find themselves represented and reflected, and where all people are treated with respect and dignity.

Summer Birthdays
Happy Summer birthday to: Kooper, Peyton, Alecia, Matt, Cowen, Madison, Jason, Lacey, Alexis, Suzee, Ms. Smith, Ms. Dillon, and Mr, Melnyk! May the sun shine bright on your special day, friends!

MacBook & Charger Returns
All MacBooks and chargers must be returned to Leah by the day of your last regents exam! If you do not have any regents exams, they must be turned in on the last day of school. 
240 Port Watson St., Cortland NY 13045

Eric Comtois
Director of Innovative Education

PO Box 4754
Syracuse, NY 13221
Phone: (315) 433-2600
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