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× Careers Staff Only Personnel Sub Call-In Service Health & Safety
Main Operator 315.433.2600
District Superintendent 315.433.2602
Adult Education 315.453.4455
Business Office 315.433.2614
CNYRIC 315.433.8300
Instructional Support       315.433.2627
Student Services 315.433.2604
Labor Relations 315.433.2629
Personnel 315.433.2631
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Open House Every Thursday at 1:00pm
Visit us at Adult Education, Full Time Certificaton Programs and see what we offer.

Quote of the Week
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

Schedule your TABE Test today!
TABE tests are held by appointment only. Call the Admissions office at (315) 453-4431.