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New Vision Programs


New Vision Animal & Environmental Science

Program Description

Students will gain insight into biodiversity and evolutionary processes. They will learn about modern agri-systems, land use, environmental change and their relationships to human and animal populations. Topics will include legal and ethical concerns and policy development and management.  Students will explore the physical and financial impact of technology on ecosystems related to the health or extinction of fresh water species. They will study fish, wildlife and domestic animal behaviors in their natural environments. They will also have the opportunity to learn species and breed identification as well as animal care procedures.

Program Offerings
Beaver Lake Nature Center, Baldwinsville

Foundation Skills
  • Problem solving
  • Teamwork
  • Decision making
  • Critical thinking
Technical Skills
  • Forestry, fish, and wildlife
  • Soil and water plant science
  • Energy and technology, including alternative and renewable resources
  • Animal care and management
  • Animal health and disease
  • Animal handing and restraint
  • Animal nomenclature
  • Anatomy and physiology
Program Brochure
New Vision Environmental Science

Program Description
This program immerses students in the area of environmental science.  Six career areas are covered: Forestry, Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Issues, Soil and Water, Land Use, and Outdoor Recreation.  The students interact with professionals in the field and utilize time in the classroom analyzing current trends in careers.

Program Offerings
Tunison Lab for Aquatic Science, Cortland

Foundation Skills
  • Problem solving
  • Monitoring and testing technology
  • Team building
Technical Skills
  • Identification of local flora and fauna
  • Pathological problems in forest and wildlife
  • Regulations and economic factors affecting the forest industry
  • Conduction a forest resource inventory and timber appraisal
  • Hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing
Program Brochure
New Vision Criminal Justice

Program Description
This program is the study of Criminal Justice and subordinate systems.  The curriculum includes extensive exposure to law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (institutional and community based) systems.  Also covered are the causes and prevention of crime, along with a variety of special topics such as gun control.  In addition to class discussions, more than sixty professional guest speakers visit the classroom to share their expertise.  Students have access to thirty learning opportunities through internships and job shadowing.

Program Offerings
Civic Center, Syracuse

Foundation Skills
  • New technology use in justice system
  • Team building
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
Technical Skills
  • Introduction to the CJ System
  • Ethics
  • Criminology
  • Law enforcement history and the legislative process
  • US Supreme court and the federal system
  • Corrections
Program Brochure
New Vision Medical Professions

Program Description
The New Vision Medical Profession is tailored to the highly motivated, academically successful student.  It offers students the opportunity to learn about medical ethics, governmental regulations, and rights of patients, while being immersed into the health care industry.  The job shadowing and field work/trip opportunities are like no other program.  On average, students can participate in 22 clinical rotations (with medical clearance) at each of the Medical Centers.

Program Offerings
Cortland Regional Medical Center, Cortland

Foundation Skills
  • Trends in new technology
  • Teamwork
  • Utilizing technology
  • Professional ethics
  • Organizational skills
  • Critical thinking
Technical Skills
  • History of Medicine
  • Health Care Facilities
  • Personal Management
  • Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
  • Promotion of Safety
  • Related Microbiology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Nutrition
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Emergency Care
  • English and Economics
  • Participation in Government
Program Brochure